An ecosystem approach to determine the value of coastal marine environment

The coastal marine domain is characterized by physical and ecological conditions that favor and determine a spatial overlap between the different human uses of natural resources. Considering that the Natural Capital analysis is indeed a valid emerging management tool for marine conflicts resolution, an ecosystem approach aims to propose a methodology to quantify the compensation and mitigation measures, evaluating the ecosystem services of priority habitats and species impacted or lost by coastal engineering activities. The CMCC webinar below describes this innovative approach to Natural Capital Analysis.

To test the approach, a perfect case study is the coastal area of Civitavecchia that houses important biodiversity hotspots as well as multiple human activities, being affected by potential conflicts. In particular, the works of expansion scheduled for the Port of Civitavecchia, one of the largest in Europe in terms of cruise and ferry traffic, could impact on two protected sites, one for the presence of priority habitats and the other for priority species. This approach allows to define a specific relation between the impact in terms of loss of economic value of the Natural Capital and compensation measures capable of mitigate the conflicts of use.


September 29, 2021
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